Supporting the preservation and restoration of downtown Vinalhaven.

The mission of Historic Downstreet is to encourage, undertake and support the preservation and restoration of structures and objects of architectural and historical significance located in and around the downtown area of Vinalhaven, Maine.

Historic Downstreet (HD) began in 2011 when a dozen concerned citizens embarked on an effort to save an historic Main Street structure from being lost at auction. We did research, obtained estimates, raised the necessary funds and immediately undertook the work to restore the Old Fire Hall, with one of our own serving as Clerk of the Works. On the Fourth of July 2014, we presented the finished product at a fitting ceremony to the Town of Vinalhaven.

Today, HD is committed to further preserving the history and significance of Vinalhaven’s downtown. By documenting that history, raising awareness, and advocating for the creation of a Historic District, we are helping to preserve Main Street for future generations.